
Read the Latest Insights on Standby Generator Maintenance, Emergency Power Planning, and Protecting Your Home & Business

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Winter Weather in the Northeast: Staying Powered Up Through February

Winters are, simply put, tough in the Northeast. Snowstorms, ice storms, and dangerously low temperatures—all of which can easily cause a power outage—are all too common. Just a few months ago, an early-winter snow storm caused more than 400,000 power outages in the Northeast and New England. Then, just last week, a polar vortex swept through the Midwest and Northeast, threatening…

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How Hotels Should Prepare for Power Outages

For hoteliers, unexpected power outages can be devastating. Hospitality standards in the United States are high—and when guests encounter trouble with their stay, hotel staff need to find creative solutions to keep their guests comfortable, safe, and satisfied. It may seem hard to believe, but the historic Northeast Blackout of 2003 that affected roughly 45 million people and cost the…