NSR Gives Back
Posted by Kristopher Schwind

On May 7th 2022, National Standby Repair (NSR) continued its upstanding commitment to corporate and social responsibility by donating the use of one of its rental units to a fantastic charitable cause.
Veterans are the lifeblood of this country, and integral to the sense of freedom and personal safety many of us take for granted today. Organizations such as HOPE For The Warriors and St Judes are instrumental in helping both veterans and their families to lead dignified and well supported lives following periods of conflict, and it is for this reason that events such as the All American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE are so exciting.
Opening May with a sense of community spirit, the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE helped raise thousands of dollars for veteran Americans and their families – both in recognition of their service, and to welcome the coming summer.
Better yet, NSR was right there, providing rental units to the event in support of both All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE and St Judes. The organization’s ongoing commitment to brightening the lives of its community and thanking veterans for their service is part of an annual celebration of giving, good times – and landing the biggest fish possible!
Why NSR chooses the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE for charity support
With so many superb charitable incentives going on today all of the time, how is any organization best able to choose? For NSR, the support of St Judes and the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE is a combination of compassion and patriotism.
These have been a difficult few years for the world at large, and especially for the United States. Understanding the true depths to which division and fractured ideals have fallen is an often frightening thought – making any and all events in which people can come together for an honest day’s sport all the more exciting.
By donating rental units to the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE in May 2022, NSR has shown both a practical and sentimental commitment to betterment and community spirit.
St Judes is also a matter close to the heart of NSR leadership. With healthcare professionals having braved the unprecedented in back breaking conditions to keep Americans healthy and looking forward to a post pandemic society, it would be remiss of NSR and its executive leadership not to pay it forward.
The All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE is just one of numerous charitable drives in which NSR donates and contributes, year in, year out. Despite the growing success and scale of the business, executive leadership recognizes that it simply isn’t an option to forget one’s community roots – nor to overlook the importance of giving back to those so committed to giving their best to keep American citizens safe, secure and acclimatized to peace.
All about the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE
Taking place on May 7th 2022 at the Riverfront Marina at 40 Front Street in Newburgh in the State of New York, the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE started early, finished with a feast and welcomed anglers of all levels of skill to compete for a $50,000 star prize.
Awards are given at this event for the largest catch of the day, photographed and submitted to the judges in real time during the course of the event. Participants are required to measure their own fish as and when they are caught – with the exception of fish over 50 inches, which need to be telephoned into the judge’s panel and released – and catches are verified with a second opinion by the judges themselves.
The All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE is all about the skill of the angler. Because it is a contest in which angling equipment such as electric reels, drop lines and seines are not permitted, every competition participant has to put their true angling skills to the test to bring home the biggest catch of the day.
Competitors in the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE are required to limit their angling activities between the Kingston and Rhinecliff bridge areas of the Hudson River – although that still offers plenty of exciting angling potential.
As one can imagine, fishing undertaken in this part of the Hudson River for the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE – often in sumptuous summer weather – is both competitive and good natured. However, New York state regulations on bait use are as applicable in the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE as they would be for recreational non competitive angling.
Prizes and incentives for the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE
As the name suggests, only one species of fish is an applicable catch for those who have taken part in the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE – the Striped Bass.
Native to and active throughout the waters of the Hudson River, the Striped Bass is often a slippery customer to even the most seasoned of recreational anglers. As you can imagine, bringing this feisty fish home is not for the faint of heart – yet the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE incentivizes doing exactly that.
The grand prize for the big event in May was $50,000 – although participants in the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE could also choose to receive their prize in the form of a brand new center console boat, inclusive of trailer.
That prize was reserved for those anglers able to land Stripe Bass of 50 inches or above – yet in the spirit of fair play, the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE offers divisions and prizes for competitors of every skill level.
For example, an almost lottery like undercurrent of good fortune and thrill seeking underpinned the entire event overall, because the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE featured five tagged lucky Striped Bass. Any angler capable of catching one of the tagged Striped Bass won $5,000.
However, there are also prizes for the largest overall Striped Bass caught, as well as a Ladies’ Division to the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE competition. In fact, participants under 16 years of age were also more than welcome to put their skills to the test, with prizes for the Junior Division fostering plenty of father and son bonding moments
Preferences in fishing styles are also well catered for in the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE – as seen in both the Shore Division and the Kayak Division of the competition.
However, the incentive to ensure that no animals were harmed in the spirit of competition was crucial to the organizers of the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE. As a catch and release tournament, participants were not encouraged to haul any Striped Bass ashore with them or hand them to judges directly for measuring and weighing.
Instead, gauging one’s sense of victory in the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE was as simple as using the tape measure as provided by the organizers on the day to measure the size of the Striped Bass being caught from the tip of the tail to the mouth – and then releasing the fish.
The All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE succeeded in providing not only a bracing day out for anglers and their families from all walks of life, but also in raising vital funds for the cause – something actively encouraged by the corporate leadership of NSR.
At the time of writing, the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE was able to raise over $68,500 to help veterans and their families conduct dignified, safe and prosperous personal lives – as well as access the support and healing they more than deserve after years of duty, honor and sacrifice
NSR’s support of St Jude’s is evergreen
Leadership at NSR simply cannot stand idly by while the good work of organizations like the All-American Striped Bass Tournament for HOPE, or St Jude’s Children’s Hospital, go unrewarded.
This is not only due to the outstanding work undertaken at this facility in pursuit of healing and bettering the lives of children afflicted with some of the most complex and debilitating diseases known to science – but also the tireless work at St Jude’s going towards bettering medical science, day after day.
This includes extensive research and development into STEM cell therapies, as well as considerable progress made in studying, understanding and continuing to pursue the end of cancer in all its forms.
As a research hospital, St Judes relies on donations as much as its own capacity for hard work and perseverance to keep today’ children, and the children of tomorrow, active and healthy in an ever changing world.
With the health of ourselves, our children and our society under the spotlight in this new decade as never before, NSR recognizes that there is simply no place for any business or individual to sit on the sidelines while the practices of medicine and science go unthanked in the backdrop of our society.
The commitments being made by St Jude’s in phishing forward the possibilities of science and medical understanding are considerable. In the roadmap laid out to bridge the year 2022 with the possibilities open to us all by the year 2027, St Jude’s Hospital is driven to provide new cures and groundbreaking new therapies to mainstream reach – all while sustaining a vision of research, development and innovation that will surely prove instrumental in solving so many of the afflictions affecting all of us today.
Naturally, fundraising is a crucial element of how and why St Jude’s Hospital is able to thrive to the extent that it does. NSR is delighted and proud to continuously support St Judes Hospital every year with donations and the use of rental units to further their events calendar.
Befittingly, one such event is another fantastic bass fishing community event – the Dick Hiley St Jude Bass Classic. Up to two competitors per boat make their way out onto the water to haul in the biggest bass catch they can to stringent guidelines – and NSR is rooting for everyone every step of the way, donating aplenty all the while.
Having raised almost $6 million in donations and support in its history, the Dick Hiley St. Jude Bass Classic is marking its 25th year in 2022. Accordingly, NSR is stepping up its support to mark this quarter of a century of sporting fun and angling prowess, and looks forward to continuing to support the event in the coming years as St Judes continues to advance medical science – and do vital work in keeping children healthy, happy and healed.
For the fine work being undertaken at such a fine institution, no cost is too high for the level of support and donation that St Judes is welcome to – that is NSR’s stance. However, as the business itself continues to grow and evolve, both clients and customers can expect plenty more giving back to the community going forward